Alumier Skin Peels and Facials

alumier GLOW

AlumierMD glow peel treatment is a medical grade peel which uses a mix of lactic acid (anti-aging and hydrating), salicylic acid (congestion, blocked pores) and resorcinol (fab at dissolving all these dead skin cells).

This treatment uses a unique mix of the best ingredients that help treat skin by minimising fine lines and wrinkles, helps with hyperpigmentation, age spots, discoloration and brightens skin tone. This treatment also is great for acne suffers as it helps unclog pores, addresses acne scarring, decreases bacteria and calms irritation and redness this peel has minimal downtime.

The Glow peel also contains the below Detox or Vitamin A boost dependant on skin aims.

alumier radiant 20/10

A combined AHA (20% lactic acid) and a BHA (10% salicylic acid) medical grade, chemical peel

It will improve skin tone and texture by exfoliating dead skin cells and speeding up cell turnover. Gives visible results and reduced poor size. This chemical peel will target acne pimples, fine lines and wrinkles congestion and sun damage.

Alumier radiant 30

An AHA (30% lactic acid) medical grade skin peel

Lactic acid exfoliates the dead skin cells, hydrates and brightens the skin. It will increase cell turnover and resurfaces skin resulting in a radiant complexion with visible results. Improving lines and wrinkles, discolouration and sun damage.

Detox clear

Detox clear contains 2% salicylic acid and 4% lactic acid, excellent for penetration and exfoliation. They work together to exfoliate and hydrate, minimising access oil reduces acne and prevent more pimples from forming.


Vitamin A boost is a pure retinol and lactic acid resurfacing treatment. It reduces the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and hyperpigmentation by boosting collagen production and speeding cell turnover, creating a more radiant and even-toned complexion.
Ideal for mature or sun damaged skin.

Alumier Bespoke skin treatment

This bespoke facial is a customised treatment which is designed to target your individual skin issues.



What is it?

Dermaplaning is a skin treatment that uses an exfoliating blade to skim dead skin cells and hair from your face.

Dermaplaning aims to make your skin’s surface smooth, youthful, and radiant.

Your skin is exposed on a daily basis to harsh environmental toxins, irritants, and sun damage. This can cause the top layer of your skin to appear dull, and it can make you look aged. Dermaplaning clears away those damaged skin cells so newer skin cells are what you see when you look in the mirror.

What to expect?

You don’t need to plan any downtime to recover from a dermaplaning treatment. You may experience slight redness initially depending on your skin sensitivity right after the procedure.

You may notice that your skin looks brighter immediately after you’re finished with a dermaplaning treatment, but it often takes a few days to appreciate the full results.

What to expect after?

After a dermaplaning treatment, you’ll need to be extra careful about sun exposure., don’t leave the house without wearing sunscreen on your face.

Dermaplaning Basic

Using alumier medical grade products, the skin will be cleansed toned, and exfoliated with the blade, recovery balm and spf applied

Dermaplaning Deluxe

Using alumier medical grade products, the skin will be cleansed toned, and exfoliated with the blade, a customised treatment mask will be applied, brightening accelerator, recovery balm and spf applied

Dermaplaning with Alumier Skin Peel

Using alumier medical grade products, a customised treatment will be devised using the radiant peel (with salicylic acid and or lactic acid) and Dermaplaning combination to give an ultimate result leaving the skin extremely smooth youthful, and radiant.

Improves pigmentation, lines and wrinkles, deep scarring from acne and uneven pockmarks on the skin.

ACP - Advanced Cosmetic Procedure

Advanced techniques to treat unwanted skin blemishes i.e. warts, skin tags, sunspots, red veins, moles and other skin imperfections A consultation is required.

What is it and what is it for?

This technique is an advanced electrolysis procedure developed to treat specific unwanted skin blemishes using shortwave diathermy. Problems such as sunspots, warts, skin tags, red veins, moles and other various types of skin blemishes can be safely removed or reduced and effectively treated.

How does it feel?

It can feel like a hot needle touching the skin, sensitive areas can make your eyes water slightly

What to expect after?

Depending on what has been treated the skin can take approximately 7 to 10 days to heal.

Initially the skin can be red as a surface layer may have been removed or cauterised this will form a scab or crust and this will shed naturally. When this has healed the skin can be slightly pink and will take a little time to rejuvenate and repair. It may appear lighter until it’s had light exposure and eventually will fade into your normal skin colour.

After-care advice

An after-care gel should be applied after the procedure and any products avoided for 24 hours after the procedure to avoid infection.

Important info

Sterile disposable items are used and disposed of in a sharps container.

SPF 40 is recommended after the procedure and no sun exposure is advised.

ACP Consultation

Prior to an Advanced Cosmetic Procedure a consultation is required. It is possible that in some cases a treatment can be carried out on the same day. A consultation form will be filled in and the procedure will be explained and expectations of the results will be discussed. 

Intense Pulse Light - IPL 

IPL is a light treatment to treat certain types of skin conditions. A consultation and patch test is required. A course of treatment is recommended.

What is it?

This procedure is a light technology used to treat red veins, pigmentation, anti-ageing and acne.

How often?

A course of treatment is recommended 6+months for red veins and pigmentation.

What to expect during the procedure?

An optical gel is applied, a hand piece with a crystal will be pressed firmly against the skin, a flash of light will be omitted and this can feel like an elastic band snapping on the skin in sensitive areas.

What to expect after

Slight redness or no reaction at all after the procedure. You can carry on as normal as long as you use SPF 40+ preferably a chemical free SPF.

IPL Consultation

Prior to an initial procedure a consultation and patch test is required. During the consultation the procedure will be explained and the skin examined. The procedure will be explained step-by-step and advice will be given. A small patch test on or near the area to be treated will be carried out. A consultation form will be completed and if you have any questions they can be discussed.


Sun exposure must be avoided at least two weeks before and two weeks after the treatment. A consultation and patch test is required. Please bring a list of medications if taken. Maintenance of shaving the hair or the use of hair removal cream is fine in between procedures.

Radio Frequency

What is this new treatment you are doing?

It’s a three in one treatment- Radio frequency, LED and Vacum suction.


What is radio frequency? 

The RF treatment uses a device that heats the deeper layers of skin to produce collagen. It uses  Multi-Polar Radio-Frequency Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields (PEMF) that are completely safe and stimulate collagen growth, reducing wrinkles, sagging skin, and fine lines.

Because skin laxity happens around 35-40 years old, and the collagen levels begin to decline, RF therapy is recommended to preserve skin elasticity and induce fibroblast proliferation.

How does it work? 

The Positively charged ions in the water molecules within your cells, try to line up with the negative poles

This causes the water molecules to crash back and forth against each other, generating heat between them causing friction which heats up the skin 

Is it safe? 

Since RF energy produces an electrical current instead of a light source, tissue damage can be minimised and epidermal melanin is also not damaged.

Who is it for?

Our Radiofrequency Skin Tightening treatment, also known as RF Skin Tightening, is suitable for all skin types 1 – 6 and for anyone looking to tighten, tone, create a contouring effect or firm up their skin. It’s a non-invasive, totally pain-free and relaxing treatment that delivers impressive results.

How many treatments will I need?

We recommend a course of 6-10 treatments depending on the concern and area of the face or body 

The key to the RF Skin Tightening treatment is repetition. For the treatment to be effective, RF Skin Tightening must be performed at least once a week during the initial treatment period. After the initial course of 6 treatments, we recommend a maintenance treatment every 4 weeks.

What can I expect after the treatment?

Because the RF Skin Tightening treatment is non-invasive and pain free, side effects are minimal. You can expect some redness and warmth in the treatment area but this settles quite quickly after your treatment. Even better, there is no recovery time after RF Skin Tightening, so you can hit the ground running.

Does it hurt?

No, not at all. The great thing about RF Skin Tightening is that it’s non-invasive and pain free. The treatment works by warming the skin, which most people find to be pleasant and relaxing, similar to a warm stone massage. The skin heats up to around 40degrees.

Why do I need a course? 

Initial results of a radiofrequency skin tightening treatment may start to be seen immediately and up to 2 weeks after the session, although it can take 6 weeks or even longer for full results to become evident. Collagen levels build gradually after treatment, which in turn produces skin improvement.

What areas can I have this done? 

We can do all areas of the face including eyes and neck. We can also treat the body giving amazing results to upper arms, thighs, tummy tightening and bum lift! 


One of the most asked questions is: “Can I wash my face after Radio-Frequency treatment?“. The answer is yes, you are allowed to GENTLY wash your skin after the procedure, but you are not permitted in any way to use scrubs or rub your skin.

Do NOT use any chemical or laser treatments after the RF therapy. Also, microdermabrasion or waxing, use of depilatories are not recommended for the next 3-4 weeks.

After the sessions, you might experience swelling, redness, warmth that usually settles within 24 hours depending on your skin sensitivity. We are happy to advise the best skincare routine following your  for treatment if you want to experience 100% effectiveness of Radio-Frequency therapy.

Better hydration is also a must for great results to help with the transfer of heat into the skin. 

A daily spf is also recommended 

What is vacuum suction?

Vacuum suction helps lymphatic drainage,  helping to detoxify, improve lymph circulation, reduce puffiness, reduce fluid retention, increase blood flow, aid cellular regeneration as well as encouraging toning and lifting in the skin. 

Vacuum suction increases blood circulation and is effective to release tight muscles & fascia. By using vacuum this helps to reduce tension on the skin and tissues underneath which can soften and tone tight muscles, loosen and lift knots and connective tissue.





Skin Micro Needling


Radio Frequency & Skin Micro Needling

